Process Genius’ Genius Core™ also monitors processes at Snellman’s new factory

Family-owned company Snellman opened a new food factory in its hometown Pietarsaari, Finland. Opening the new factory also extended the collaboration with Process Genius.
he manufacturing process used at Snellman’s Kerava factory had already been visualized earlier using the 3D Digital Twin application, which is now called Genius Core™. The application creates an identical, virtual copy of the physical factory (“a factory in your pocket”) by collecting and visualizing data from existing equipment and systems.

Process Genius’ Genius Core™ also monitors processes at Snellman’s new factory Read More »

Sustainable development calls for more advanced digitalization

A new era, instead of techno hype, is beginning. The real economy and the development of technologies to meet demand are part of the big solution. Process Genius has started exporting abroad and we have become a global company. In recognition of this, we were recently awarded the Kauppalehti Growth Certificate and now, most recently, our technology services and related expertise and service solutions have been awarded ISO 9001 certification. Proud of this recognition, we will continue our sustainable growth and world domination.

Sustainable development calls for more advanced digitalization Read More »

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