Genius Day™ workshop

Why workshop?

Get started with a Genius Day™ workshop

Have you ever thought about how your organization could make better use of data to improve processes and production efficiency? Or are yous struggling to find out what are the most relevant data points to monitor for your organisation’s KPIs?

The best way to define the goal state, identify development needs and plan for knowledge management is to take advantage of our Genius Day™ workshop. Genius Day™ puts all our expertise at your fingertips, providing you with a clear roadmap to tackle the challenges you have set for the workshop. This will get you up and running efficiently without wasting your core resources and time unnecessarily.

Process Genius has implemented several 3D digital twin solutions for some of the largest industrial companies worldwide. We help our clients to clarify the role and opportunities of data in their organization and to implement the best ways to use data in different areas of production.

What do you get?

The workshop includes

The final outcome of the workshop will be a summary that clearly describes the user stories and the key needs and benefits of the solution.
If the client wishes, we can also provide a budget and schedule estimate for the implementation of the solution.
Possible options after the workshop include: 1) Creating an interactive prototype as a basis for software development, 2) Agile software development with a team dedicated to the client, 3) Our standard solution Genius Core™ 3D Digital Twin platform and/or 4) Modelling of facilities and equipment as required.

Genius Day™ price

from  €5900

The price of the Genius Day™ starts from 5 900 € (VAT 0%), which includes:

One man-day to make necessary preparements

One 3-6 hour workshop depending on your needs

One man-day to compile the final report

Interested? Contact one of our experts

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